Selfed 08 - manufacturing manifestations

Here I break down a dream I had about my energetic capacity simplified by a dolphin and an octopus. An octopus has 8 tentacles, therefore can grasp many things, although if all tentacles are occupied, the octopus is immobile. The dolphin however, while unable to physically grasp things like the octopus, had me captivated by its freedom. Both of these animals represent me. Just because I have the capacity doesn't mean the limit needs to always be stretched thin. Energetically, what happens if perhaps I apply three of my 8 limbs to one task or connection? What does it mean for the connection if I don't grasp at it at all? This challenges my views on focus vs letting go.
I also talk about common unity (community) expands our capacity to serve. The support of those in community with us gives us the ability to rest and recover so that we too can keep the mission moving.

Recorded on 04-28-2021

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.

Selfed 09 - Over-intuiting above over-thinking


Selfed 07 - Expect success