Selfed 07 - Expect success

I follow up from episode 06 about having had boundaries asserted on me. This episode I begin with a story of having had to put the shoe on the other foot of that and STILL experienced discomfort around it. What I learned from that experience is that boundaries make us better humans for the next humans we interact with whether we are asserting them or respecting them. To be true to your own boundaries is a demonstration of self-respect.
The main focus of this podcast episode touches on the point of success being a surprise, whereas we expect things to go wrong for us. I share a story and some metaphors of what it looks like to Expect success.

Recorded 04-28-2021

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.

Selfed 08 - manufacturing manifestations


selfed 06 - malleable boundaries