Selfed 11 - energy in motion - support, challenge, and celebrate

Here I explore energy in motion. I like to think that's the expanded wording for what emotions are. I had a couple of breakups over the last week and put my lessons from them on display here. I've learned that support, challenge and celebration are important to me in my relationships as these are the ways I feel seen and emotionally safe.
What's wild is that as a black man who dates outside my race, I feel like I can't express myself emotionally with too much intensity because of a genuine concern of it being misinterpreted as hostility. This causes a repression of emotions that turn into an explosion of aggression. We know how that goes in 2021.

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.

Selfed 12 - i am here


SElfed 10 - Lean into your securities