Selfed 24 - Connectually Frustrated - Fight, flight, freeze, forward

I talk about Flight, Fight, Freeze, another symbolic dream and what the spiritual significance of possums are. Somehow that looped in to my lived reality of dependence and a need to move forward. I As for the podcast title, it's wordplay on sexually frustrated given sex is a way to feel connected and is often a go to for self regulation, I share my experience of repressing and indulging in the sensations. Another key point here is that the intensity of feelings about fear and excitement as well as feelings you get from success and failure (to me) are the same. There's a motivation to move forward that comes from either of those. My choice of response to Triggers aren't limited to fight flight or freeze, but also Forward

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.

Selfed 25 - the potential origins of a fuckboy


Selfed 23 - How does that serve you?