Selfed 18 - Level Up Impatience to Initiative

The day I recorded this episode, I heard four accounts of suicide all within a two hour time window and didn't bat an eye. After reflection in a Yoga class, my journal entry revealed that just because you're numb to or used to something doesn't mean there isn't damage still being done. I became aware of my feelings of activation being repressed by the pressure of being methodical so that I'm not coming off as impatient, but truth be told, there are people who don't have the luxury of doing that so I have to see my impatience as initiative. I initiated a major step to creating systemic change in one avenue for suicide ideation today.

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.

Selfed 19 - personalized support


Selfed 17 - The Intention to Fail