Selfed 29 - date Like You’re in your ideal relationship already

The title is very specific but definitely transitions well into other areas of life. Think about networking, socializing, or anything else one may seek out as a parallel to dating like you're in your ideal relationship. Another pop up aha moment here was how the word "crazy" is used as simply not normal in behaviors. You know what else is not normal? Queer identities. I think this is something to explore in an upcoming episode, as how we use crazy, we ought to say there's an inconsistency in behaviors and beliefs and that's not normal. Then with queerness, there's an acceptance of the not normal, only intentionally, but that is absolutely not perceived as a negative as crazy may be. So queer is consistent, crazy isn't, yet both are various expressions of "not normal". Yup unless something crazy happens, that's next week's podcast topic.

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.

Selfed 30 - Queer Crazy


Selfed 28 - Evolving Religion