Selfed 28 - Evolving Religion

Religion typically upholds tradition. Religious people uphold those traditions outside the relevant context. I had a conversation with a young lady I hope to bring onto the Selfed Podcast to discuss how she plans to evolve and modernize Christianity. I enjoyed our discussion because I learned a lot about myself as I had this conversation as an ally of humans humaning. I learned that my spirituality isn't "against" someone else's religion. I just recognize we are not the same. Out of Context, seeing someone defer their values to be those that no longer fit today's society with their historical context leaves me to believe it to be almost lazy to not have to 'do the work' if you will. Spirituality is about presence, whereas Religion is about upholding tradition. Integrate these two and you have something I'm sure far more people can get behind.

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.

Selfed 29 - date Like You’re in your ideal relationship already


Selfed 27 - The Rising cost of not living