Selfed 27 - The Rising cost of not living

I made the decision to move to Portland, Oregon when I came back from Portland. One of the most common responses I've gotten has been that it's expensive out there or the cost of living is rising. Well what's the cost of NOT living? What's the cost of ignoring your intuition, not giving your passion to the world, repressing your natural expression? That's the real rising cost we should be talking about, the rising cost of NOT living.
Throughout my time back in St. Louis, Missouri since being there, I've come to realize despite the uncertainty of pursuing my passion full time, I have a calming sense of peace about it. I've experienced more anxiety at the thought of NOT moving forward. That's how I know this is in alignment for me.
I'm having to say no to a lot of things in the meantime specifically involving spending money, but each of those no's is a yes to my intention, strengthening its impact to create clarity as I move forward.

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.

Selfed 28 - Evolving Religion


Selfed 26 - Unconditional acceptance