Selfed 16 - Indulge in the Extremes

In my Yoga teacher training, we practice self-reflection more than I can say I ever done anything else before. Yesterday's reflection was about how seemingly anytime I attempt to do things for myself, I'm met with the tiniest of obstacles or distractions that then become prioritized over my need for self-expression. The spaces I create for stillness always seem to be disrupted by a phone notification, an urge/compulsion to "do" rather than be, or I come across something that I had put off for a while. This episode offers a practice I'm implementing moving forward to stop indulging in the extreme of taking care of needs, to more time to create space for stillness.

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.

Selfed 17 - The Intention to Fail


Selfed 15 - Honesty is the 2nd best policy to transparency