Selfed 21 - What do I want?

I have a history of conforming my needs to my external circumstances. A combination of disengaging from who I am a part from my day to day life, a Netflix series, almost dying, and good company really opened my eyes to how back asswards that process is. I'm a firm believer in the power of belief to the point where actions takin in line with the external circumstances actually makes them serve as opportunities to attain whatever you call in for yourself. The quote about making decisions and then making them right was said by a bunch of different people.
I feel like I need to elaborate more on the God conversation so maybe that'll come up. There's a question I present here worth sitting on, "When you get someone who knows who they are in a relationship with someone who doesn't, what happens?". My answer is that someone conforms or yields, resentment builds and unhappiness occurs through having settled. That's what I learned from this Netflix show I binged in a day this weekend haha.

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.

Selfed 22 - I Want Everything


Selfed 20 - Meet people where you are